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This NEH Landmarks of American History and Culture Workshop for School Teachers is offered twice, beginning late Sunday afternoon and concluding at 4:00pm on Friday. Option one runs from June 22-27, 2025; option two runs from July 27-August 1, 2025.

Most days, sessions begin at 8:30am and run through 5:00pm.


In order to fully participate in discussions, NEH Summer Scholars are expected to read these two required books before arriving at Ticonderoga (participants are responsible for obtaining the books):

  • A People’s History of the American Revolution: How Common People Shaped the Fight for Independence by Ray Raphael
  • Fort Ticonderoga: The Last Campaigns—The War in the North 1777-1783 by Mark Edward Lender

 In addition, NEH Summer Scholars may find these books of interest related to this NEH Landmarks workshop:

  •  American Revolution in Indian Country: Crisis and Diversity in Native Communities by Colin Calloway
  • Feeding Washington’s Army: Surviving the Valley Forge Winter of 1778 by Ricardo Hererra
  • A Respectable Army: The Military Origins of the Republic, 1763-1789 by James Kirby Martin
  • Belonging to the Army: Camp Followers and Community during the American Revolution by Holly Mayer
  • Congress’ Own: A Canadian Regiment, the Continental Army, and American Union by Holly Mayer
  • Manufacturing Independence: Industrial Innovation in the American Revolution by Robert F. Smith

Summer Scholar Project

Each NEH Summer Scholar is expected to create a lesson plan addressing one or more of the themes explored during the course of the workshop. The lesson plan must use primary documents and/or objects referenced during the workshop.

The lesson plan will be due September 15, 2025, providing participants with an opportunity to develop the lesson after the workshop. Participants will need to submit a lesson plan proposal on Friday of the workshop. Sample lesson plans and guidelines will be provided at the workshop.