How to Apply
Application FormProgram Purpose
NEH-funded institutes are professional development programs that convene K-12 educators from across the nation in order to deepen and enrich their understanding of a variety of topics in the humanities and enrich their capacity for effective scholarship and teaching.
Participant Stipends
Each participant will receive a $2,200 stipend. This stipend is intended to help cover travel, housing, meals, and basic academic expenses. Stipends are determined according to the format and duration of the summer program, and are taxable as income. The stipend will be paid at the end of the institute.
Participant Expectations
Project applicants who accept an offer to participate are expected to remain during the entire period of the program and to participate in its work on a full-time basis. If a participant is obliged through special circumstances to depart before the end of the program, it shall be the recipient institution’s responsibility to see that only a pro rata share of the stipend is received or that the appropriate pro rata share of the stipend is returned if the participant has already received the full stipend.
Participant Eligibility Criteria
Additional Selection Criteria
While this institute is open to all eligible K-12 educators, this institute is designed primarily for teachers in grades 6-12. In their application essay, applicants should demonstrate:
- Their effectiveness and commitment as educators.
- Their intellectual interest in the topic of this institute.
- Their special perspectives, skills, and/or experiences that would contribute to the institute.
- The long-term impact this institute will have on their teaching.
Application Deadline
Applications for all NEH Summer Institutes are due Monday, March 1, 2022. A selection committee will review all applications. Applicants will be notified of their status as accepted, waitlisted, or not accepted on Friday, March 25, 2022. Successful applicants must accept or decline their offer by Friday, April 8th. Once an applicant has accepted an offer to attend any NEH Summer Program (Seminar, Institute, or Landmark), they may not accept an additional offer or withdraw in order to accept a different offer.
When you are ready to apply for Fort Ticonderoga’s NEH Summer Institute “For the Common Defense: Subjects, Citizens, and America’s Military Origins, 1609-1815,” we suggest you write your application essay as a word document before opening the Google Form application below.
Essay Prompt
In 500-750 words, tell us:
- about yourself
- what it’s like to be a student in your classroom
- about your interest in the institute topic
- how you envision using the content of the institute to enhance your students’ experience
- about any special skills or perspectives you would bring as a participant in this institute.
Application Form
Please submit your application using this Form. You will be asked:
- General contact information
- About your teaching experience
- To upload your essay as either a word document or PDF
- To upload your CV or resume as either a word document or PDF.
This process must be completed by March 1, 2022, including the letters of recommendation mentioned below.
Letters of Recommendation
To complete your application, please have two letters of recommendation submitted directly to Project Director Rich Strum by email ( no later than the March 1, 2022, deadline.